Below is the list of research grants for PSOG. For more details on each grant, you can directly email the leader for any question.

    Granted year: 2021

    1. Integrated Cat Swarm Optimization-Artificial Neural Network Algorithm in Accurate Miscoordination Characterisation of Directional Overcurrent Relay Model.
    Grant: FRGS
    Amount: RM 80,487
    Leader: Dr Muhamad Hatta Hussain

    Granted year: 2019

    1. New Transformer Saturation Modelling Formulation for Investigating Sympathetic Inrush Current between Parallel-Connected Wind Turbine Transformers using Combination of Jiles-Atherton and Steinmetz Model.
    Grant: FRGS
    Amount: RM 100,265
    Leader: Dr Hana binti Abdull Halim

    2. Enhanced Impedance based Wide Area Fault Location Algorithm for Improving Electrical Energy Security.
    Grant: FRGS
    Amount: RM 57,400
    Leader: Dr Mohd Rafi Adzman

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